Aith Gun

Aith Gun
Breezy Isles, Shetland

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Der Mythus des XX. Jahrhunderts

The book has arrived in Amsterdam, below is a copy of the reply I got...


Dear Keith Martin,

Due to a ‘server migration’ I had no opportunity to write you earlier, but I have received Der Mythus des XX. Jahrhunderts. I would like to have the time to work my way through 700 pages of gothic script, but for the time being we will keep the book for research and reference when relevant.
The inscription is written in the so called ‘Sütterlin’-script. It’s not the language but this script that makes it hardly legible for me. What I do gather at this point is that the writer of the inscription gives the book to his ‘best friend’ in remembrance of the ending of a course they both attended, apparantly something in law. If I do find the opportunity I will try and decypher it fully one day.
So thank you very much for letting us have this remarkable document, and should you ever be in the Netherlands do not hesitate to contact us for a visit.

With kind regards,

Gertjan Broek
Collecties - Collections

Anne Frank Stichting - Anne Frank House
Postbus - PO Box 730
1000 AS Amsterdam - NL
Kantooradres - Office Address: Westermarkt 10
T  +31 (0)20 5567100 
F +31 (0)20 6207999

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